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Storymix - Jasmine Richards

Storymix is an innovative fiction studio which was awarded Start-Up of the Year by the FutureBook Awards in 2022. The studio's mission is to meaningfully increase the number of diverse titles published each year.

Storymix's team of industry professionals kickstart the careers of new, experienced, and returning writers and illustrators of colour. Together they collaborate to produce high quality, high-concept worlds full of joy and adventure. Storymix’s model provides apprenticeship-style support to its creatives, with invaluable editorial guidance, coaching and unique networking opportunities that equip them with the skills necessary to secure their own agents and independent book deals. In 2023, Jasmine received a Special Commendation in the Editor of the Year category at the British Book Awards.

Since its inception, Storymix has sold over 400,000 copies of its titles and received multiple industry awards including the Future Book Award and the Deutsche Bank Awards for Creative Entrepreneurship (DBACE).