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PRO CryoMechanics Germany GmbH - Matthias Bohn

We designed a standardized exceptionally low-cost, small, and efficient biogas liquefaction plant. We earn money by selling it to biogas plant operators or by leasing them out. We generate social impact in multiple areas:

  1. 10.000 Biogas plants were built in Germany to produce green electricity. Turns out that electricity production from wind and solar is cheaper. Now some of the biogas plants can make a future living by producing electricity when it is dark and not windy and producing heat for nearby villages, some can connect to the gas grid. The rest faces bankruptcy and shutting down. These are lost investments in green infrastructure. With our solution they get a new business model: Producing climate positive fuel for heavy duty transport vehicles and by capturing CO2 from the atmosphere as a side effect.
  2. The climate positive fuel is able to generate huge savings in CO2 emissions in a sector that is exceptionally hard to decarbonize: Heavy duty, long distance transport. The fuel has similar energy density as diesel and suitable trucks are already on the market and a sufficient fueling station network is installed all over Europe.
  3.  With decentral and locally produced fuel this solution helps to become more independent from fuel imports and at the same time enabled value creation in rural areas, offering jobs and wealth.