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Use storytelling, leadership growth tools, futures thinking, and an introduction to DesignSprints, to understand yourself better, contribute to move an organisation to the next stage, and become its leading face.

You are invited to a 3 hours taster session of #IMPACTWOMEN: FROM FUNCTIONAL LEAD TO CEO, an entrepreneurial leadership booster programme for women working in social enterprises, currently in functional lead positions such as Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Strategy Officer, Deputy CEO, etc. 
During this taster session, participants will explore:

1) Group leadership
Through a rapid futures thinking session, participants will immerse themselves in a near future and experience how their perception can evolve and how they can grow in particular contexts, making better use of their individual and collective knowledge. 

2) Individual leadership
Participants will uncover their inner voice, and use the power of storytelling to:

- Ask themselves powerful & challenging questions, in a safe space.

- Choose the role they want to play now, soon, later, in the world at large, and

- Uncover what they will need to explore to help / co-/lead their organisation for maximal impact

3) Peer insights
We've asked others who went through the journey to share significant thoughts.

The full programme will aim to support your leadership development, prepare you to represent the organisation whilst providing you with practical tools to introduce, develop and potentially lead on new bold services or strategies within a social venture, in tune with the needs of your community.  

Logistics: London, 30th April

To book and to contact the organiser, go to 

About the facilitators and hosts