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IP, sea, and biodiversity

In the third year of its partnership with Bright Tide HL BaSE hosted a pro bono workshop for the ventures on Bright Tide’s Regenerative Farming accelerator programme. The accelerator focuses on connecting land and ocean farmers, in order to build a community dedicated to accelerating the agriculture transition to a more nature positive and sustainable future.

With nearly 50 participants the workshop was our largest HL BaSE Catalyst yet. Lawyers from Hogan Lovells worked alongside volunteers from their clients, including, UBS, Bank of America, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, and Cisco, to advise 9 amazing ventures – each one addressing sustainability and biodiversity loss.

  • Chirrup AI has developed a platform that provides a scientific measure of biodiversity on a farm by charting how many species of bird are thriving which, in turn, indicates the diversity of bugs and seeds above ground, and the richness of life in the soil.
  • Atlantic Mariculture is a leading UK seaweed processor and manufacturer of green fertilisers and bio stimulants for use in agriculture and horticulture.
  • World Cetacean Alliance protects whales, dolphins, and porpoises through a community of people with the expertise, capacity, and resources to act as the voice for cetaceans and their habitats around the world.
  • Aquit develops biotech solutions for sustainable aquaculture in particular preventive treatment for infections in fish that replace antibiotics, improve survival rates, and boost natural immunity.
  • New Foundation Farms is building a regenerative agrifood enterprise which will produce food in a way that supports our soils, our communities, and our health.
  • Seawater Solutions develops degraded coastal land using seawater, creating wetlands that capture carbon, create jobs, produce food, re-wild the environment, clean waterways and stabilise coastlines.
  • The Rivers Trust are river and catchment conservation experts and the umbrella organisation for 65 member Rivers Trusts across Britain, Northern Ireland and Ireland.
  • algapelago is growing a network of sustainable, scalable seaweed forests for use in a broad range of applications, including agriculture, food, and skincare.
  • Tierra Foods helps the food industry decarbonise their supply chains by creating biomineralisation-centric agroforestry projects.