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Our last publication in this year's Earth Fixers series, produced in partnership with Pioneers Post, features Sustainable Fibre Alliance a non-profit standard holding and membership organisation representing a global alliance of supply chain actors, stakeholders and industry experts with a mission to drive positive change in natural fibre value chains.

"A standards institution that has a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, or black or white, will not suit Indigenous herders and communities. Herding and land management and land use change takes time."

Una Jones, CEO, Sustainable Fibre Alliance

Founder Una Jones talks about their work with nomadic herder communities in Mongolia. Indigenous people and other rural communities inhabit 50% of the world's land mass, across all continents except Antarctica – and 40% of those landscapes are labelled protected or ecologically intact.

This edition also highlights Home Planet Fund which distributes funding to Indigenous peoples and local communities in climate and biodiversity hotspots, enabling them to continue traditional practices that benefit the environment.

Read the full article here.