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Communa - Antoine Dutrieu

In Brussels, there are more than 6.5 million square meters of empty buildings. This is equivalent to the floor space of the biggest municipality in Brussels. At the same time, more than 55,000 families are on the waiting list for social housing (with an average waiting time of 10 years), 5,000 people are sleeping in the streets, and the city lacks affordable recreational and creative spaces. We believe that these square meters represent an under-exploited resource that can be used to address social inequalities and shape the city of tomorrow. Since 2013 Communa has been developing temporary occupation projects in empty buildings to create housing for the disadvantaged, social and community spaces, social economy activities, coworking spaces as well as cultural activities. So far, Communa has developed more than 20 buildings, and currently hosts 60 people as residents and +200 social and cultural projects.